SSJ Gogeta


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The main character in db/dbz and dbzgt. He is the kind hearted saiyan who was sent to earth as a baby and his mission was to destroy the earth. But Goku knocked his head on a rock and forgot everything about destroying earth. He has defeated many evils in his life and is known as the hero. Goku has 2 sons, Gohan & Goten. His abillities are: Chou Kamehameha, Kaio Ken, Kamehameha, Fusion, Super Saiyan Levels: 1,2,3,4.

Like Goku a Saiyan. He was second to become SSJ. He is very powerfull and cocky. First in the saiyan saga he wanted to destroy the earth but Goku fought him, and he left earth. They met agaim on the planet Namek in the Frieza Saga. Vegeta died there but was wished back by Goku. Soon he became one of the good guys and now he fights against evil. Vegeta has 2 kids, Trunks & Bra. His abillities are: Big Bang Attack, Final Flash, Galic Gun, Fusion, Super Saiyan Levels: 1,2,4.

Gohan has been a very inportant character throughout the series. Gohan is half saiyan, half human. He has fought many battles against evil. His most important fight was against Cell, the android. In this battle he was the first to reach the next level of Super Saiyan, SSJ2. He destroyed Cell but the public does not know. Hercule (Mr.Satan and weirdo) took the credit for destroying Cell. Gohan marries Videl, daughter of Hercule and has a daughter named Pan. His abillities are: Kamehameha, Masenko,Super Saiyan Levels: 1,2.

Goten was the youngest saiyan to become Super Saiyan. He first becomes SSJ with Gohan training. He does not have to have any rage to become one, like Trunks. Trunks and him are best friends and like to tain together. Gotens father is Goku. His abillities are: Kamehameha, Fusion, Super Saiyan Levels: 1.

Future Trunks
Trunks like Gohan is half saiyan, half human. He first showed up in DBZ againt robotic Frieza. He has the sword called the Z sword witch is very powerful. He can reach the level of Super Saiyan. His abillities are: Final Flash, Z Sword, Super Saiyan Levels: 1.

Chibi Trunks
Chibi Trunks is the kid Trunks. He is best friends with Goten and they like to train together. Chibi Trunks first went Super Saiyan in the gravity room at capsule corps with Vegeta, his dad. His abillities are: Final Flash, Fusion, Super Saiyan Levels: 1.

See Fusions page to see Fusion character bios.