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For these games you need a SNES Emulator. I have the SNES emulator to download on this page.Some of the games I have are not mine, I got some of them from The Kingdom of the Super Saiyans, it's link is in links!

DragonBallZ-Hyper Dimension

This game is awesome!!!! It has awesome graphics and really good players. There is Buu, Majin Vegeta, SSJ2 Goku, Gohan, SSJ3 Gotenks, Vegitto, Cell, Frieza and Piccolo. The control are: S-Special move, D-Energy Beam, X-Punch, C-Kick. It has a Story mode, VS mode, Practice mode and options. This is my best game, DOWNLOAD IT!!!!

DragonballZ Hyper-Dimension

DragonballZ-Super Botuden 2

This game is also good. It's graphics aren't as detailed but it is still a good game. It's characters are SSJ Goku(hidden), Brolli(hidden), Piccolo, Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta, Cell, Cell Jr, Zanjya and Bojack . It's controls are similar to Hyper Dimension: S-fly, D-Energy Beam, C-Kick, X-Punch. This is a good game, DOWNLOAD IT!!!!

Super Botuden 2

Super Botuden 3

Like the other games, it's good! The controls are: S-fly, D-Energy Beam, X-Punch, C-Kick! It's characters are SSJ Goku, Majin Vegeta, SSJ Goten, SSJ Chibi Trunks, 18, Dabura, Buu, Kaioshin, SSJ Gohan. DOWNLOAD IT!

Super Botuden 3

Super Botuden 1

I've never tried this game before so I don't know controls characters etc.

Super Botuden 1

This is the SNES Emulator, you need this for both of the games above. If it doesm't work first and goes to another page go back and try it again. It should work. This Emulator is for Windows.

SNES Emulator

There is a media page to download clips!