PLEASE READ: All of these Clips are for Windows Media Player.Enjoy!!!! If the clip doesn't come on when you click it and another page comes up, click back and try it again. It should work. For some clips it might say it can't work, but it will. Try it a few times again and it should work. To download clips for Windows right click on the link of a clip and click save target as and you will be able to download it! For Vegeta selfs destructs, it is extremely slow so just wait a few minutes. Gohan vs Brolly Gohan&Goten VS Brolly Vegitto Vegitto beats up Buu Vegitto's Big Bang Attack SSJ4 Gogeta DBGT Goku goes SSJ3 Goku goes SSJ for the first time! Trunks & Goten do the fusion dance and become SSJ3 Gotenks! Goku does Spirit Bomb in SSJ SSJ4 Vegeta Gotenks does Kamikaze Vegeta Selfs Destructs in order to destroy Buu |